
Aslan (Paddy)

Født: 1.3.2001 - 22.1.2010

DK 03894/2001



AD: 0/0

Øjenlyst 14.12.2009 u.a.


PRA: Fri

EIC: Fri

CNM: Bærer


Charlotte & Lars Brrun Kolding

Resultater Markprøver:

Markprøve A

Åben klasse: 2. præmie

Markprøve B

Åben klasse: 1. præmie

Brugsprøve: Bestået

Øvrige resultater:


Udstilling: 1 AK 2.ÅKK

Vi har med sorg sorg mistet Paddy fredag d. 22.1.2010. Paddy var for Luise en helt speciel hund, hendes første labrador, og en altid glad hund med et herligt humør. Paddy har givet Luise så mange herlige oplevelser, både ventede og uventede.Savnet er stort - han vil altid være i vores hjerter.

Paddy blev far til 121 danske hvalpe og 9 tyske hvalpe.

They'll be gathering together

Sharing hearts and hands as first rays fall

All our connected lives

Arriving down by the mission wall

And sometimes it's not easy

To take a step outside and face the day

'Cause part of you forever

In this place will always stay

Tear away the pages

Keep them locked up in your memory

We all open morning doors

Go walking out with destiny

All around, familiar faces

Voices ringing out warm and near

They take us to the moment

And the dance that leads us

You'll be frozen in your moment

You'll beautiful for all of time

Waiting on the wonder road

Where saints and angels walk the line

And someday much, much older

You'll look back and chance to dream aloud

Was there a moment greater

Than to make someone proud

Bless this day

I say. I pray

We'll take this day

For always

C. Macdonald/R. Macdonald
